Monday, February 06, 2006

never take zinc on an empty stomach

K so I had this surprise Bday party to go to, I hadn't eaten breakfast because I rarely do, and I figured, well I better take my vitamins ( C and Zinc). Well I had never had a problem with vit. C on an empty stomach, but Zinc??
We drove about a half hour, I felt fine, but the walk from the car to the house I felt like Ebola had come upon me. For the next half hr I thought I would heave, and other unpleasantries. Needless to say I had to go home, climb into bed, and hope I felt better for Super Bowl. (I hate football but it's fun to hang and watch the commercials)
So lesson learned about Zinc.
In other news my Piewacket , cat of 16+yrs, is deteriorating mentally even more than usual.
This sucks. Hope he can make it to the new house.


Blogger Adria Richards said...

I second this. This morning I started my B vitamin and zinc supplements. I took them and hopped in the shower, planning to eat breakfast right after since the sausage links were already browning in the pan.

At first it just felt like a little upset stomach. Then I began to feel extremely nauseous so there was no way I was eating breakfast. The pain began to get very sharp and I had to lay down on the floor. I called the Nurseline and could barely speak to them through the pain. They said I should call 911 and I did so.

I felt prickly sensations on my face, felt hot but my forehead felt clammy. I could faint at any minute and was sooooo dizzy.

I prayed the paramedics would come and help me because I've never experienced anything like this.

I went to the bathroom and finally began feeling better. By the time the paramedics got there, I could walk but sill felt weak. They checked me over and I decided to stay at home and go down to Urgent Care later on if things got worse.

I went right to bed (11am) and stayed there with my heating pad until 9pm. The pain stayed with me until it got dark but I don't feel it now, Thank God!

There should be a warning label on there, not just "Take with food".

November 30, 2007 at 7:09 PM  
Blogger Fat Forty and Broke said...

I took Zinc half an hour after lunch. Yes, it says 'take with food', but I figured I had recently eaten so I was set.


My husband and I went to do yard work. I felt like I would throw up... I prayed to throw up, but didn't. I felt like my stomach was going to explode from bloat. I was breathing very hard. I would feel ok for a minute, but the second I did anything that required my abdominal muscles, I wanted to die. We got home an hour later. I threw on warm clothes and crawled into bed. I took some Gas-x... that did seem to relieve the bloat some. Now I'm eating saltines and fighting the chills.

Is this what I get for trying to take better care of myself?

September 28, 2008 at 3:26 PM  
Blogger Persephone Sea said...

This just happened to me. Throwing up at the library is so awesome! Not once, but 4 times. Up came my $10.00 Breakfast. What a waste!

September 30, 2008 at 2:01 PM  
Blogger Ginger said...

I got so sick from taking zinc- with food. I was advised to take 90 mg of zinc for a blood condition. So I took 2 30 mg at lunch.

First I had nausea then diarrhea and gas- for hours.

Isn't there a way to get zinc without getting sick??

February 14, 2009 at 11:21 AM  
Blogger C said...

There is a chemical explanation for this. Zinc + acid = bubbles, precipitation and gas. which is why it makes us feel like crap.

and even though i took 4 years of hs chem and 2 of college chem already, i still took a Cold-eeZe (has a shitload of zinc for numbing soar throats) on a empty stomach.. ra.

March 19, 2009 at 8:22 AM  
Blogger truthseeker said...

I got up at 1:30 in the morning with a worsening cold, so I took 2 zinc, 1 C and a food-based calicum pill on an empty stomach. By 5:30, after hours of stomach pain and diarrhea and vomiting, I crawled to the phone and dialed 911, all the while my body emptying itself of all fluids with no control. Doctor said it was the flu. So why was I okay except for shock after they filled me with fluid? I know it was the vitamins (ie zinc). It could have killed me. I learned a tough lesson.

March 28, 2010 at 11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article regarding never take zinc on an empty stomach is very interesting and useful, the stomach pain issue can affect your sexual activity, and this not only happen to older people as I used to believed, young people can also be affected so you may need to use generic viagra to help yourself on those situations. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day.

May 5, 2010 at 8:16 AM  
Blogger thatakiracat said...

ok... so i definitely woke up this morning and went through my normal routine, only... i tried one of these zinc pills i got, 100mg. i had planned on eating at work.. but by the time i walked there, my body didnt want anything to DO with food. my body spent an hour rejecting the stuff... im actually STILL sitting here with a trash can, feeling dizzy, as i type this.

June 2, 2010 at 8:25 AM  
Blogger samuelLee said...

I woke up with a sore throat this past Sunday and decided to take two zinc pills. I've never had issues before so I took them without thinking about it. I ate a little bit of watermelon with it thinking that was enough food to cover it. Wrong. I ended up vommiting and had diareha for hours. And chills and sweating bullets. Worse experience of my life. I thought I was dying. Take plenty of food with zinc!!!

July 26, 2011 at 3:16 PM  
Blogger Akua said...

I'm so glad to find this blog. I recently had the same experience with taking vitamin c and zinc. I had severe stomach cramps and actually fainted. The between taking the vitamins and eating was apparently too far apart. The stomach cramps was still there when I ate for couple days. I didn't get my full appetite back until the next day. I forced myself to eat salt crackers and carbonated water that helped a lot. It was a hard lesson but I've been telling everyone my story.

August 5, 2011 at 8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering what the heck was going on with my body all day! So glad i found this blog. I thought it was Zinc but wasn't for sure. I took only 50mg this morning with some iron because I'm anemic with some water and a litle cereal. By the time I got to class around 20 minutes later at 9:45 I felt like I was going to throw up. Then the stomach cramps came on like nothing I had ever felt before. It's FINALLY starting to go away!!

April 11, 2012 at 9:22 PM  
Blogger Che said...

Thank you for this blog. I came in to work and told a friend that I think I was coming down with a cold. She said here take zinc, and 2 vitamin Cs. I never took zinc before, but I just assumed it was OK. She recommended the same thing to my other friend. About a 1/2 hour later, my friend who took the vitimins with me came to my office and asked did the vitamins make me sick, because she was vomitting. I was fine at the time and told her no. Then 10 minutes later I got severe stomach cramps! I ended up in the bathroom with things coming out the other end.

As I type this I was able to eat something, but still am experiencing SEVERE stomach cramps, light-headedness, and I'm very weak. Thank God I work in a hospital. I think I may have to crawl to employee health!

September 20, 2012 at 7:15 AM  
Blogger Skye12 said...

Omg- i took 2, i believe were 50mg zinc supplements on a empty stomach and within 30 minutes, i thought I was truly dying. I was driving which made it worse...felt nautious, then came dizziness, then sweatin bullets and severe sharp pains cramps. I manage to pull up to dollarstore to get some pepto and use bathroom ...which I threw up all over store in rx aisle. Worse experience ever..NEVER AGAIN. Im too scared to try again and i just bought a huge bottle to help with healing.

September 21, 2012 at 2:56 AM  
Blogger Skye12 said...

Omg- i took 2, i believe were 50mg zinc supplements on a empty stomach and within 30 minutes, i thought I was truly dying. I was driving which made it worse...felt nautious, then came dizziness, then sweatin bullets and severe sharp pains cramps. I manage to pull up to dollarstore to get some pepto and use bathroom ...which I threw up all over store in rx aisle. Worse experience ever..NEVER AGAIN. Im too scared to try again and i just bought a huge bottle to help with healing.

September 21, 2012 at 2:57 AM  
Blogger Skye12 said...

Omg- i took 2, i believe were 50mg zinc supplements on a empty stomach and within 30 minutes, i thought I was truly dying. I was driving which made it worse...felt nautious, then came dizziness, then sweatin bullets and severe sharp pains cramps. I manage to pull up to dollarstore to get some pepto and use bathroom ...which I threw up all over store in rx aisle. Worse experience ever..NEVER AGAIN. Im too scared to try again and i just bought a huge bottle to help with healing.

September 21, 2012 at 2:57 AM  
Blogger adom23 said...

I believe I have laryngitis so I decided to take a 50 mg zinc vitamin. I was already hungry but decided to take the vitamin first and then started eating an 20 minutes later I got cramps that literally made me want to pass out! I felt nauseous but wouldn't throw up. I tried using the bathroom...and nothing, a little after that I began to feel jittery and I guess I started heaving. I could barely talk and just felt like I was dying. I looked like it too because my boss sent me home.
There should be some kind of warning because I have never took a pill that made me feel this sick. When taking this you should eat like a whole pizza with mashed potatoes or something! Its been almost 10 hours and I still have cramps. When will this go away?

October 11, 2012 at 9:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok so I am 15 and dumb of me I did not read the label on the Zinc bottle, But i took 1 on a empty stomach BAD idea 20Mins later i was staring to fill wired and I threw up, and I started having stomach craps and sharp pain, I did not eat anything till maby 7:00Pm I had Ramen and Tea thinking that would help me NOT! I threw up all night and still now I my stomach is hurting and I fill so bad. For now on I am NEVER gona take Zinc I am gona stick to Vitamin C and Multi Daily Vitamin.

November 10, 2012 at 10:42 AM  
Blogger One last cry said...

I always read the label!!! Zinc says never take on an empty stomach!!! Anyway before i start look up zinc on web md and it gives u 3 different types so if u want one that your body can easily absorb and that u can take on an empty stomach that would be the expensive one and not the cheap ones everyone gets! Zinc really does help! I was stubborn tonight and i took the zinc on an empty stomach. Really hurt after awhile like i was super hungry and my stomach was eating itself. So i decided my stomach needs some food to coat so i ate quinoa with brown rice wit two veggie dogs...not yummy but healthy and clean enough to not upset my stomach more. 10 mins passed and it still hurt. My bf suggested an i took 4tsp of Maalox. 20mins later now my stomachs feeling better. I took it at 1am, started hurting about 2am ate about 3:15 am, took Maalox round 3:50 am now it's 4:16am. Maybe it wasnt as bad of an experience as others have had because i took Metamucil 3 times thru out the day so im fiber filled, and I ate substancial food after taking zinc. The Maalox maximum strength sealed the deal tho:-D always take Zinc and Calcium and pain relievers with food!!!!

June 13, 2013 at 4:25 AM  
Blogger match said...

Honestly, I didn't even think to read the label, so I have nooooo idea of whether or not the Zinc container said take with food... I'm hoping that for smart people out there who actually read things, it does.

Everyone at my work is SICK. And I'm going on vacation this weekend, so I'm set on not getting their plague. Last night I told my roommate about my efforts, and he suggested I take some of his zinc. I took a pill (note: I had eaten no less than 10 minutes before) and didn't have any problems.

So this morning, on my way out to work, I grabbed another for good luck, and headed out the door, with my yogurt in hand, fully intending to eat when I got to work. TERRIBLE DECISION. I made it to the metro, no problem, but almost as soon as I boarded the train I was feeling it.

I was so nauseous, I kept envisioning myself jetting out the door, throwing up on the platform, and then racing back into the train to avoid both being late, and the inevitable shame I would feel in front of the platform onlookers. Haha! It was awful!

I thought initially that it was the train driver, who was abnormally horrible. But no, it was not so simple as motion sickness (which in general I am not prone to). I got to work and started researching zinc, because aside from the bad driver, that was the only difference in my morning routine.

Lo and behold, I found that I am an idiot who either didn't read or didn't research. Regardless, I forced my yogurt down knowing it would help, bought a gingerale (canada dry is my favorite) and now, about 2 hours after the initial wave of nausea, I am feeling much better, albeit a little hesitant to jump on another train.

More than the yogurt, the gingerale really helped to settle my stomach. I hope this comment helps whatever other poor soul out there makes my same mistake.

June 26, 2013 at 7:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have acne, so my sister recommended Zinc, This morning I woke up ate some cold cuts and took a zinc vitamin...I was so sick...
I experience nausea, vomiting,bad stomach cramps and diarrhea....NEVER AGAIN!!!!!

September 16, 2013 at 6:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, I had no idea that zinc was such a monster. I had read that it was good for acne and hair loss, so since I'm a 40 year old super model with thinning hair and pimples, I decided to give it a try. Ok, I'm lying about the super model part, the the other things are true. Anyway, my first go around with zinc was definitely my last! I stupidly took it on an empty stomach and sure enough, five minutes later, BAM! I broke out in a sweat, shaking and barely made it to the kitchen and hurled in the sink. I freaked out and did what any normal person would do. Call 911? Psht, no. I googled it. So thanks for the blog! Now I see that I'm not the only one who chucked cookies after taking zinc. I think I'll look for foods rich in zinc instead of the supplements from now on. Or, just use Stridex and a wig. Thanks for the post guys!

November 7, 2013 at 8:20 AM  
Blogger Kdjl said...

YIKES! I have not been sick in years and I do not feel well at all. I took 2 - 50mg zinc supplements, instead of 1, after eating a granola bar. With my husband sick, I called mysely being proactive by taking 2. My stomach feels terrible and initially, the only thing I could do was try to sleep it off. I was tempted to vomit, but didn't. My main symptoms are stomach pains, hot/cold chills,& a little dizziness. The thoght of eating anything is out of the question. I do not have tums, but I did take a spoonful of baking soda and I am now capable drinking small amounts of water. It has been approx. 3 hours and I am still lying down. Too make matters worse my 16 year old daughter has regressed and streaming Disney music. I hope this goes away soon.

December 22, 2014 at 11:40 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

OMG. How about I took 50 MG of zinc this morning because I caught a sinus bug and had it for the past two days. I read that zinc could help the immune system and rid the infection faster as I slept, but how could anyone f*cking sleep from this explosive pain in your stomach. I wanted to die. I felt like something was trying to bust out of my stomach demonically. I will NEVER take zinc again. I don't care if I'm f*cking deficient.. I'm sure dying of a deficiency would be much better!

January 10, 2015 at 9:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am so nervous. I just took (30 min ago) 50 mg of zinc after eating an English muffin. I stomach started to feel nauseous so I decided to look it up to see if there's anything I can do. I ran across your blog. I am now in panic mode. I took some Pepto and immediately laid down with a blanket thinking I'm going to have to ride the storm out. I am crossing my fingers that this nausea does not turn into the horrible cramps that everyone is saying. Thanks for the blog.

January 14, 2015 at 11:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hope it didn't get too bad. I will never take zinc again!

February 12, 2015 at 7:18 PM  
Blogger lois lane said...

Ditto - I've never been able to take zinc, makes me feel really nauseous, dizzy and then I vomit. I just presumed that for me personally I have enough zinc in my system and it doesn't need anymore. My friend recommended it for cold/flu.

I'd always just taken garlic tablets/capsules - which work a treat, but thought I'd try. I only took one tablet and bleeuuuuuh.... I've never touched it since.

I get a similar kind of reaction to Sodium tablets too - which a naturopath once recommended - simply because I don't ever add salt to my food (I eat very very healthily).

I know now i don't need EITHER of these supplements.

March 7, 2015 at 6:20 AM  
Blogger lois lane said...

Just found this.. (I also had a metal taste in my mouth when I took zinc, similar with Sodium but slightly different taste)

So how much do we need?
When looking at the recommended daily allowance (RDA) listed below remember it is the minimum amount recommended for healthy people and not those who are ill or have a chronic disease..

Birth to 6 months - 2mg
7 - 12 months - 3mg

1 - 3 years - 3mg
4 - 8 years -5mg
9 - 13 years - 8mg

Males 14 - 18 years - 11mg
Females 14 - 18 years - 9mg

Males 19 years and older - 11 mg
Females 19 years and older - 8 mg

Pregnant females
14 to 18 years - 13 mg
19 years and older -11 mg

Breastfeeding females
14 to 18 years - 14 mg
19 years and older - 12 mg

Therapeutic ranges
(of elemental zinc) for people with major zinc deficiency are:-
Males - 30 - 60mg a day
Females - 30 - 45mg a day.

Though you will often see 15mg a day listed as the recommended daily intake one must remember that there are a number of zinc ‘antagonists’ in ones diet and upping the intake may be necessary.

Generally diabetics will benefit from around 25mg daily.

Studies have been done on people taking up to 50mg a day and no adverse side effects showed up.

However we must be aware that too much zinc can also be harmful.

The effects are usually noticed when levels 10-25 times the RDA are taken. In the short term you will experience stomach cramps, nausea, dizziness, headache, metallic taste in mouth and vomiting but in the long term you may have increased sweating, loss of muscle co-ordination, alcohol intolerance, hallucinations, decreased HDL levels and possibly anaemia along with a lack of copper - if you take over 30 milligrams of zinc on a daily basis for more than 1-2 months, you should also take 1 to 2 milligrams of copper each day as well.

Continued high doses are thought to accelerate the development of atherosclerosis and to weaken the immune system.

High doses of zinc can also interfere with some medications, such as ACE inhibitors, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, HRT and some immunosuppressants.

It has been suggested that doses of more than 150mg a day may affect the ability of the body to use other essential minerals.

March 7, 2015 at 6:24 AM  
Blogger Megabite said...

I was told to take Zinc as I have Crohns and blood test indicated I was low.... It makes me so naseous for so long ... I always took it with food but at first I tried it in the morning and felt ill all day so then I decided to take it in the evening thinking I would sleep through it.... Still not working out so thought I would try every other day give my body a chance to recover.... We'll I took one on Saturday night and now it's Tuesday still nauseated ... Been cleaning out cupboards while stuck at home and found two old scripts for zinc from 2010 and 2012 almost completely full! I am not taking any more if it hasn't killed me in 5 years then it can't be that bad and this nausea is killing me. So glad to read your blog and know I wasn't alone, and have a few laughs too.

July 6, 2015 at 8:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

My zinc doesn't say anything about taking with food! I had some a couple of hours after breakfast because I feel like I have a cold coming on, and I was on the verge of throwing up for about 15 minutes afterward. I remembered feeling a bit sick after taking a smaller dose another time so I Googled it and found this thread. Now I know I'll be very careful. I feel OK now but hope I don't end up with any of the other symptoms people mentioned as I have to go to work in a few hours.

September 20, 2015 at 7:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Lightly butter toast and ginger root!! It's working. ... 3hrs into this hellish feeling. Toast and ginger- finally!

October 10, 2015 at 3:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've been feeling sick after breakfast every morning for about a week. I've been taking zinc supplements trying to boost my immune system so I don't get major sick. I figured either the zinc wasn't effective and I was getting sick anyway or it was actually making me sick. Yuck! No more zinc for me! There are medical reports that zinc causes intestinal inflammation and harm, weakness, coma, and death. It can dissolve cancers and tumors but patients seem to not survive the treatment.

November 13, 2015 at 10:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Exact same thing happened to me! I take a 100mg zinc supplement to balance out the excess copper I have in my system but I normally take it mid-day with lunch. This morning I made the mistake of taking it before breakfast so I wouldn't forget. OHH believe me I will never forget again! I got to the library this morning to study for finals and I had to run to the bathroom because I felt so sick. I threw up for about an hour and had diarrhea and intense stomach cramps. I went into a cold sweat and actually fainted for a few minutes. Overall just a horrible experience! Morale of the story is to ALWAYS take food with zinc

December 8, 2015 at 12:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Took my boyfriend's zinc by accident (i thought it was my multivitamin then figured I would just take it rather than throw it out when I saw a different pill). I took it with food and blamed the food an hour later when I was vomiting and shitting like crazy. My boyfriend woke up shortly after and told me it was the zinc's fault! He made me pasta immediately and through waves of nausea I forced it down. It has been 14 hours and I am STILL going through waves of debilitating cramps. No amount of food, water, or tums is helping. When will this pain end?!

April 2, 2016 at 9:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

OMG, Is Zinc the problem is? I started taking half pill since 4 days ago, I even took it with dinner but still got diarrhea like crazy. I didn't know what happened until reading these posts. I can't leave the toilet the pain is so real

April 5, 2016 at 3:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I took 50mg about 20 min after eating 3 pieces of pizza and about 30 min after taking zinc I was sick with cramps and running to bathroom. Chills and dizzy. I took the pill form but I hace

April 24, 2016 at 10:15 PM  
Blogger upstate sicky said...

I'm sorry to hear of everyones terrible experiences but am thankful for this article, because without it I'd probably be in an urgent care right now. Stomach pain, nausea, dizzy, all from Zinc on an empty stomach this AM. It was the first time I took it and I had known not to on an empty stomach but I completely forgot. Bad mistake, ugh.

May 4, 2016 at 6:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Took my zinc tablet today as usual never paying attention to that fact that I usually take it later in the day after eating. Within 5 minutes i felt extremely bloated and a bit nauseous. I quickly went right to the internet and so happy I came across this blog. I ate a few crackers, more water and one of my charcoal tablets (hope that was ok!). Thanks for this thread, it explains a lot!

June 19, 2016 at 9:51 AM  
Blogger Isiah said...

I took 50mg of Zinc this morning on an empty stomach. I feel a little dizzy and bloated. I ate some pop-tarts and I'm about to attempt a breakfast sandwich. Why would they even put this stuff in a bottle? I ran across this blog and when I get home from work, I'm throwing that bottle of Zinc away. Well, maybe I'll take it to work and give it to someone that has a slight cold. ;)

July 6, 2016 at 5:43 AM  
Blogger Krista said...

Wow I had no idea zinc side effects could be so severe! A few times (including this morning) I made the mistake of taking it without food, but all I experienced these times was about a 15 minute bout of intense nausea (came really close to throwing up this morning). I only take it when I feel a cold coming on, and I take it for about 5 days in a row and I don't end up getting the cold that I felt coming on. But get this- I was totally loading up on the stuff- 200 mg per day (100 mg twice a day). I was shocked to find out that the maximum per day should be 40 mg. i'm not sure how I'm not getting as sick as all of you. I also don't have to eat a lot with it. When I take it at night before bed, i'll take it with just 3 cookies or something and I'm totally fine. I think I'll lower my zinc intake when I feel a cold coming on, though, now that I learned that my intake is astronomically high compared to what the maximum dosage is.

July 9, 2016 at 8:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I would suggest taking zinc citrate. It's easier on the stomach. I started taking it back in October 2015 with about 12 other supplements my naturopath gave me. I could literally take every single supplement in the morning on an empty stomach, and not have any problems at all. He recently switched to zinc glycinate, because it absorbs better, and so I got a bottle of that. I only take 2 in the morning and 2 at night, for a total of 80 milligrams, but every single day even if I eat tons I just feel sick to my stomach. Nauseated. I don't get stomach cramps, but a couple hours after I've had all the food and the zinc, I end up nauseated and sneezing instead of vomiting. LOL kind of hard to function everyday when you are sick to your stomach. I am switching back to the zinc citrate. If I can take it on an empty stomach without any issues, anyone can. Although I still recommend eating something with it. :) I also read that if you are taking calcium or iron supplements, to do them at different times. Zinc, calcium, and iron, all are absorbed in the same area of the small intestine. So that can be difficult for your stomach.

July 19, 2016 at 11:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I would suggest taking zinc citrate. It's easier on the stomach. I started taking it back in October 2015 with about 12 other supplements my naturopath gave me. I could literally take every single supplement in the morning on an empty stomach, and not have any problems at all. He recently switched to zinc glycinate, because it absorbs better, and so I got a bottle of that. I only take 2 in the morning and 2 at night, for a total of 80 milligrams, but every single day even if I eat tons I just feel sick to my stomach. Nauseated. I don't get stomach cramps, but a couple hours after I've had all the food and the zinc, I end up nauseated and sneezing instead of vomiting. LOL kind of hard to function everyday when you are sick to your stomach. I am switching back to the zinc citrate. If I can take it on an empty stomach without any issues, anyone can. Although I still recommend eating something with it. :) I also read that if you are taking calcium or iron supplements, to do them at different times. Zinc, calcium, and iron, all are absorbed in the same area of the small intestine. So that can be difficult for your stomach.

July 19, 2016 at 11:51 PM  
Blogger KBF said...

I just wanted stop in and say I was so thankful to have found this blog this morning when I thought I was dying. It completely saved me for taking a trip to the ER. I never eat breakfast and this a.m. randomly decided to take a Zinc bc I am 41 and maybe need to invest something healthy at some point. (SIdenote: when my husband was later looking for this "poisonous bottle" it turned out they also expired 4 years ago.) Anyway, like many of you, about 30 mins later I started experiencing nausea and then INTENSE stomache pains that felt like contractions. Then came the vomiting. And tingling in my face and fingers. Later on chills and extreme exhaustion. My husband was getting me dressed to go the ER when he found this blog and the experiences were so similar we were sure the zinc had caused it and there was an end I site. Zinc should come with a serious warning label on the bottle. It is 12 hours later and I still don't feel great. NEVER TAKE ZINC on an empty stomache!!!

August 23, 2016 at 6:41 PM  
Blogger kunta kinte said...

Hot tea works if you feel like crap after taking zinc.

July 8, 2017 at 8:43 PM  
Blogger Kyuss said...

Absolute hell. I decided to take 1 50mg zinc tablet 10 minutes before breakfast. Almost immediately I threw up everything in my stomach. I'm just glad I didn't leave my apartment yet, unfortunately I did have to call in sick this morning for the first time with my company. I have never experienced cramping and nausea like this. It's been 4 hours now and my symptoms are slightly better, but I still have zero appetite. I agree with the previous poster, there should be serious warning labels on the bottle. The rest of my zinc tablets are now sitting in my garbage where they can never harm me again. Even my hangovers aren't usually this bad.

August 9, 2018 at 10:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The worst EVER! I take most vitamins on an empty stomach, so this morning I got my new bottle of 50mg. Zinc with Copper. I took the vitamin at 10:00 a.m. Almost immediately I had a metallic taste in my mouth, but blew it off.
Went to bfast and as I was ordering bfast, I started feeling really nauseous. Within a few minutes, my mouth started watering and I told my hubby that I was going to vomit. I finally made it to the restroom to stand there spitting water, but never vomited.
I felt like I was dying from taking this supplement.
It's now almost 7:00 p.m. and I still feel terrible.
Like most of us, I looked it up and found out the hard way to NEVER take Zinc on an empty stomach.
Thanks for this blog.
No one ever answered the question about how long this general ill feeling will last. Ugh!

January 15, 2020 at 6:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The daily amount is 7 mg a day for women... and 9 mg a day for men. You are all explaining the effects of an overdose of zinc. Im guessing you were taking quadruple or more the amount you should have. Does no one do their research anymore. Zinc under 20 mg on an empty stomach is fine. But all you need is 7 mg or 9 mg. You all overdosed yourselves. 🤦‍♀️

September 4, 2020 at 9:25 PM  
Blogger Virgil said...

That may be, but the supplements come in those amounts and the directions say take one pill. Had it said take one third of a caplet, I would have. Also, I have read several articles that suggest taking zinc on an empty stomach. I can’t say I recommend it.

January 2, 2021 at 8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My battle with Emphysema started over 9 years ago which I finally got rid of with the help of Dr Itua herbal center treatment..I had the disease for over 9 + years..I'm in a good health now because Dr Itua herbal cure formula improve my condition drastically..the last time I went to the emergency PFT which is this year January I was told that my lung and breathing are working perfectly which was the help of this herbal medication..I don't have breathing problems anymore(Shortness of breath)..the Dr Itua herbal cure build up my lungs gradually after completing their prescription ,am able to cough it up no problem....I also met a lung specialist who told me that my lung is working perfectly so we don’t have to give it up because today i am here telling the world about my final victory with emphysema with the help of Dr Itua herbal cure and the help of their Natural herbal products and roots to cure and heal me completely from emphysema disease within the range of 5 weeks that I used the herbal medication. And if you have this kind of illness , there is no need to waste money on Corticosteroids or Zephyr Valve, or allowing doctors to waste their time on you instead why don’t you go get herbal products from Dr Itua Herbal Center use it and see for yourself And they also cures fibromyalgia,epilepsy,diabetes,cancer,pain killer,parkinson's,alzheimer’s disease,hiv/aids,herpes virus,hepatitis,pregnancy,and other diseases, contact him on and it very important you recommend this formula to anyone at there suffering from this illness people don’t know they exist .

November 9, 2021 at 9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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